Tuesday, September 22, 2009
A talk on your prof's performance
Just wanted to let you know that I will be giving a talk tomorrow on my performance about Jewish blackface minstrelsy in the US and the Catskills Mountains Resorts in NY (aka the "Borscht Belt").
Here's the deets
"Routine: The Blackface of the Borscht Belt"
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
12 noon
4701 Haven Hall, CAAS Conference Room
If you're free, I'd love to have you there!
referring to D'Arcy Thompson and Phillip Ball for inspiration and information on implicit pattern, natural formation, etc. ...think there is an important reflexiveness between natural and cultivated patterns...perhaps this relates back to the Wunderkammer themes that seemed to have infiltrated my consciousness
weaving this afternoon...working on a felted Shibori piece.
D'Arcy Thompson
shibori piece by Constance Rose
tissue sample (left)

crocheted lace bacterial growth

One man's junk is another man's treasure
I thought to myself, my person is a obsessive compulsive hoarder and each of my toys has a specific part of me in it. I can't let go of these toys for this reason. If I did, I would be throwing away a piece of myself.
I am caught in a cycle of disgust for the clutter in my home, having the inability to part with pieces that I believe to have relationships with, and purchasing more things that I find connections with.
Maybe, I have poor relationships with people and am extremely introverted. My closest relationship is with my things. I am taking the easy way out, avoiding rejection by forming bonds with objects that can never reject me.
I am middle aged. I have the potential and ability to save myself from this harmful cycle, but who knows if I can overcome my addiction, my crutch.
I know that many hoarders believe that hoarding is much more than collecting useless junk. Many live by the saying, "One man's junk is another man's treasure."
To make this into more of a project and to complex my person, I decided to take inventory of my toys (because my obsessive compulsive hoarder must know always how much and how many memories she has):
1 Green Disney game character with stretchy mouth
1 Hog/Bat in trenchcoat with light up birdhouse
4 Dinosaur figurines
1 Plastic skeleton
2 Horses (1 with starry butt, 1 golden sandie)
3 Frogs (1 that squeeks)
1 Anteater
1 Tiny gray monkey
1 Tiny lion
1 Toddler turtle
1 Glow in the dark centipede
1 Fish clip
4 Lizards
1 Shrek baby
1 Shaman figurine
1 Rhinoceros beetle
1 Green M&M figurine
1 Buzzing fly
3 Scorpions
1 Measuring tape dog
1 Disney Princess Snow White
1 Barbie figurine
2 Miscellaneous bug clips
1 Rubber bat
1 Praying mantas
3 Black rats
2 Moose
1 Giant ant
1 Scared pirate
1 Rubber ducky
7 Arachnids
13 Snakes

Snakes 13 and counting.
Everyday, twice a day my character takes inventory of her "collection." As she collects more she adds to her list, causing this task to take up more time in her day and slowly she loses her connection to a world outside of her "things."
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Studio? Log? One?
I decided to go find that person. The key was the weapon of course. Who would use an object that appears menacing, but in reality is completely harmless? I decided on a professional wrestler with some Feudalistic flare from the 1980s. In this way Evan's alter ego-> the wrestler Ronald, would have his own alter ego->'Medieval Justice', who would be the person using the mace.
I wrote a short biography as an artist statement and made some work to go along with it.
To be clear...Ronald wont be an impressive artist to you---even though in his universe he is a visionary, and a genius.
Can't wait to share
-Evan M
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
80's jumpsuits

During today’s studio time I was focused on trying to get into the mindset of the person who wears the 80’s jumpsuit. It started off slow, but as I stared at the jumpsuit, now hanging on my wall, I started to get a few ideas. My first idea was that the woman who would wear this jumpsuit would be into making clothing that represent the fashion of the late 80’s. As I started researching the fashion of that time though, I got an inspiring idea, as this woman, to make a set of jewelry pieces inspired by my outfit and geometry. Usually, my artwork is not so geometric and composed of simple forms, but the jumpsuit woman started to take over and ideas started flowing. First, I started sketching and writing down words that related to the fashion of the 80’s. I then proceeded to the metals studio and began my first piece as “jumpsuit woman”. I actually quite enjoyed working as “someone else” and straying away from the typical stuff that I do. I started realizing how similar much of my previous work is and this project made me want to start searching for new ideas and design aesthetic. I know I will not continue this project for much longer (only for the week), but the sketches I have come up with have got me rethinking other projects, and I believe for the better.
Studio Log 1

Katie's First Post

I've been thinking a lot about this piece by Yives Klein. It's a series of works called Anthropometries and is this strange (and amazing) mix of a performance piece, a painting, a photograph and a concert (he hired an ensemble to play his piece called The Monotone Symphony, which consisted of a 20 minute chord followed by 20 minutes of silence.) Amazing!
Monday, September 14, 2009
The Best Answer
If you want to watch the whole video, I might recommend the 2:47 mark---POWERFUL SHAPELY LEGS
-Evan M.
In consideration for choosing studio palette..

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Heather Ziegenmeyer