Friday, October 30, 2009

New Media Scotland

I talked to Professor John Marshall yesterday about incorporating an internet element into my IP. One of the resources John suggested was New Media Scotland. They have interesting works, and I hope to learn more about internet art soon.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Pat Blog

Hi all,

If you're interested in finding out more about my IP, or want to check out some websites that I find inspiring, drop by my blog!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

1st locket

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The D

I just wanted to quickly post in regards to our Detroit adventure. In speaking with students from other IP sections, there seems to be a universal message of admiration for the degree to which our section is functioning as a group--I think this point is worth elaborating on. Even though we may already know each other from years past, I believe that events like the trip to Detroit help establish a common bond in the environment of IP that will be highly beneficial as we rely on group feedback for our projects moving forward.

On a personal level, I really enjoyed both Michael's show, and the soup kitchen/Earth Works experience. One notable point for me was the emotional transition that took place when we switched from gallery space to soup kitchen. For me this meant moving from a comfortable setting to an unfamiliar one. I was pleasantly suprised how comfortable the soup kitchen became however, once we moved in and started communicating/sharing the space.

Evan M.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Miniatur Wonderland!